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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 30, 2009
New travel alert system to launch

The Outbound Travel Alert System will launch October 20 allowing people to assess the personal safety risk of travelling overseas, the Security Bureau announced today.


The system uses amber, red and black warnings to describe the three levels of risk. It covers 60 countries and territories popular with Hong Kong residents.


When there are signs of threat in a certain place an amber alert will be issued to remind travellers to monitor the situation and exercise caution.


A red alert signifies a significant threat and Hong Kong travellers should avoid non-essential travel to that region.


For a severe threat a black alert will be issued to warn Hong Kong people against travel to that area.


The Government will assess the level of threat to personal safety, duration of the threat and whether it is targeted at tourists. It will also liaise with Mainland authorities to obtain the latest situation overseas through Chinese diplomatic and consular missions in the place concerned.


The bureau will publicise the alert messages through press releases and a website.