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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 3, 2009


Correctional officers commended
Major General Zhang at CSD passing-out

Best recruit: People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison Commander Major General Zhang Shibo presents the Golden Whistle to officer Pang I-wai.

People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison Commander Major-General Zhang Shibo has commended the Correctional Services Department for being a well-trained, well-disciplined and outstanding service.


Speaking at an officer graduation ceremony today Mr Zhang said the department has spared no effort in providing comprehensive custodial and rehabilitative services over the years, with its staff's professionalism and distinguished performance winning the community's trust and admiration.


"The department has worked tirelessly to promote community acceptance and support for the re-integration of rehabilitated offenders into society," he said, adding many religious groups and non-Government organisations have joined with it to provide rehabilitative services.


He encouraged the officers to uphold professionalism and deliver high-standard custodial and rehabilitation services for making Hong Kong a more harmonious and integrating society.


A total of 54 officers and 72 assistant officers II took part in the ceremony, completing up to 26 weeks' training. Two officers were awarded the Principal's Shield and three the Golden Whistle.