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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 18, 2009
School drug-test trial scheme broached
Sally Wong meets media
Under review: Commissioner for Narcotics Sally Wong briefs the media on a trial scheme for school-based drug testing.

Commissioner for Narcotics Sally Wong says the Government will consider facilitating the introduction of a trial scheme for school-based drug testing in the coming academic year.


After the Action Committee Against Narcotics meeting today, Ms Wong said a research organisation will be commissioned to study the possible schemes for school-based drug testing, noting the original timetable is to conduct pilot schemes from the 2010-11 school year.


In view of the recent exposure of juvenile drug abuse cases, some schools have indicated interest in starting the earlier proposed voluntary drug testing schemes in September, she said.


The Government will see whether such schools have the necessary facilities and support services in place to ensure students will get sufficient support, and will review the trial scheme in three months if it is implemented.


The year's first quarter saw a 1% rise in the total number of drug abusers, from 4,946 to 4,995. Those under the age of 21 fell 4.9% while those above recorded a 3% increase.


The number of women drug takers dropped 9.5%, but those under the age of 21 rose 18.5%. Ketamine has remained the most popular drug, seeing a growth of 3.3%.