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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
December 1, 2008

HK residents in Thailand urged to return


Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee urges Hong Kong residents in Thailand to return home within the next two days.


Mr Lee made the call tonight when he returned from an official trip to South Korea and Japan.


"They shouldn't stay in Thailand. Those who have relatives or friends there now should urge them to come back immediately," he said.


He said the Government has been arranging chartered flights to take all Hong Kong residents home as soon as possible. One will arrive tonight, and another is scheduled to leave Pattaya at 1pm tomorrow.


He thanked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy for helping the airlines to land air slots. 


No sign of improvement in Thailand

He said the Government was sending chartered flights because the situation in Bangkok shows no sign of improvement, and other airlines' passengers have had problems securing seats on Cathay Pacific Airways' special flights from Pattaya.


The two chartered flights, one operated by Cathay Pacific that will arrive tonight and the other to be operated by Hong Kong Express Airways, have a total capacity of 500-plus passengers. Tickets are $1,100 a seat.


Cathay Pacific Airways will also mount a special flight to Pattaya on a daily basis from Wednesday to Friday.


Earlier in the day, Permanent Secretary for Security KY Chang said the political situation in Thailand has remained unstable and there are indications violence may escalate in the coming few days.


"We are anxious to get all Hong Kong residents home as soon as possible. We are particularly concerned about individual travellers who may not have help from travel agents. Therefore we are arranging to fly in more Immigration Department officers to help them."


Ms Chang also encouraged stranded Hong Kong residents who have problems securing flight seats to remain in Bangkok and keep in close contact with Hong Kong immigration officers there.


"Our target is to use all possible ways today and tomorrow to bring all Hong Kong residents home," she said.


Fatal accident

Meanwhile, a Hong Kong man died and his wife was injured in a traffic accident early this morning, while they were travelling from Bangkok to Phuket.


The couple were among four other passengers on their way to Phuket in a vehicle arranged by an airline.


Immigration officers are on the way to the hospital to help. The couple's family members are expected to arrive in Thailand today.


Expressing his condolences, Chief Executive Donald Tsang said the Government will make arrangements to bring stranded Hong Kong residents home as soon as possible.


Mr Lee also said he was saddened by the accident.


He added it is not fair to blame anyone for the tragedy.