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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 26, 2008
Warning issued on unsafe stove product
unsafe kitchen product
Alert issued: The Customs & Excise Department warns consumers not to use this metal ring-shaped product claimed to save energy.

People should stop using an unsafe metal ring product claimed to save energy when fitted to a flaming stove.


The Customs & Excise Department issued the warning today after testing the product. It said the carbon monoxide concentration released from the stove increased by three times in a few minutes, far exceeding the permissible safety limit.


Inhaling excessive carbon monoxide will cause headache, dizziness, nausea and eventually death.


Customs officers seized 106 of the products during a raid on a Yau Tong stall yesterday. Samples were sent for testing. A citywide spot check is being conducted.


It is an offence to supply, manufacture or import into Hong Kong consumer goods not complying with general safety requirements. The maximum penalty is a $100,000 fine and a year's jail on first conviction, and $500,000 and two years' jail on subsequent conviction.


To report unsafe consumer goods call 2545 6182.