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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 2, 2008
Teacher swindles $700K from parents

A former primary school teacher has admitted swindling more than $700,000 from parents in relation to applications for admission of their children to her school.


Jacqueline Lau, 37, a former Diocesan Preparatory School teacher pleaded guilty to six counts of fraud and two of attempted fraud at District Court today. Deputy Judge Rickie Chan adjourned sentencing to September 23, pending a background report, and remanded her in custody.


Lau was the head of admissions in the school responsible for handling applications and enquiries from parents. Between July 13 and 17 last year she asked a parent to pay the school to show his sincerity, saying the money would be refunded irrespective of the outcome of the application for admission of his son to the school. She induced him to give her $580,000.


Lau also made similar false representations to two other parents, inducing them to pay her $20,000 and $30,000. One of the parents reported the case to the Independent Commission Against Corruption when Lau attempted to solicit another $70,000 from him.


On July 20 last year Lau met the parent at a restaurant where she was arrested by ICAC officers after accepting the marked money. Two days before the arrest she also attempted to induce another parent to give her money.