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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 12, 2008
Fire safety
Fire-services inspections set for karaoke outlets

The Fire Services Department plans to inspect fire-service installations in all karaoke establishments in older buildings that also house residential quarters within a month, and will take action against operators who contravene regulations.


Referring to the alarm No. 5 fire at Cornwall Court on Nathan Road in Mong Kok on August 10, the department said the building, constructed in 1962, is due to be inspected within the first phase of implementation under the Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance that began last July. 


The department is exploring ways to speed up the inspection of about 9,000 buildings built in or before 1987 in the territories to improve their fire-service installations.


It will also enhance fire-prevention publicity and encourage the public to develop good fire-safety habits.