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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 8, 2008
Beat-drugs funding exercise opens

Organisations and individuals can apply to the Beat Drugs Fund's "Anti-drug Resource Kits for the School Sector" special funding exercise, until September 12.


Applicants should design the kits for three target groups - school management, guidance and discipline teachers and school social workers, and teachers.


The kits will provide reference and guidance to help the groups plan and implement anti-drug programmes and handle drug incidents in schools, and serve as a basis for training and an information repository.


They will also enhance teachers' skills and knowledge in dealing with at-risk students. A web-based version will also be delivered for the education sector's use.


Applications should be submitted to Beat Drugs Fund Secretariat. Click here for the application guide with project brief and the application form. For enquiries, call 2867 2737 or 2867 2286, send a fax to 2810 1790, or send an email.


The Beat Drugs Fund Association set up the special funding scheme last November to support the Task Force on Youth Drug Abuse's proposed measures.