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June 21, 2008
Police urged to ensure equestrian events' success
Financial Secretary John Tsang
Graduation congratulations: Financial Secretary John Tsang and Commissioner of Police Tang King-shing attend a passing-out parade at the Police College.

Financial Secretary John Tsang hopes members of the Police Force will work in concert with enthusiasm and pride to ensure the Olympic equestrian events' success.


Inspecting a passing-out parade at the Police College today, Mr Tsang said it is a great honour for Hong Kong to co-host the equestrian events.


He is confident all Police officers will showcase their capability of hosting international events and high degree of professionalism.


Noting the Police force is of international repute and widely recognised as a professional, committed and efficient disciplined service, he said Hong Kong's achievement is due in no small part to the effort made by all Police officers.


Mr Tsang encouraged the graduating officers to keep up the Police force's fine tradition of enforcing the law in a fair and just manner, and to face any difficulties and challenges with resolve, perseverance and courage.


With the rapid development of society, there are growing demands for police services and rising public expectations among members of the public, he said. 


"I am confident that all of you will apply with agility in your daily work what you have learned from your training, such as discipline, knowledge and skills, continually enrich your experience through your work, and become pillars of the force one day."