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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 14, 2008

Crime watch

Police seek info on Kwai Chung robbery
Hong Kong Police

Police urge anyone with information on a Kwai Chung robbery last month, in which $4.24 million worth of electronic components were stolen, to call 3661 1235.


At about 2.20pm on May 20, a medium goods vehicle with 252 cartons of electronic triode components was travelling along Tai Lin Pai Road. Near the Tai Lin Pai Road playground, a van stopped the vehicle.

A man from the van approached the vehicle��s 51-year-old driver, and threatened him, forcing him into the backseat where his hands were tied and his face forced downward. The assailant then drove the vehicle somewhere to unload the goods, and then abandoned it on Tsing Yi Road.


The victim managed to free himself, found all the goods missing, and called Police.


Anyone who saw the incident or has information to offer should call investigating officers on 3661 1235.