Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Frederick Ma says the Government has reserved capacity in Hong Kong smart identity cards for the development of an e-purse function in light of public demand. An e-purse allows cardholders to make cash-free retail transactions.
However, he told legislators today the Government has no timetable yet for implementing an e-purse option, after considering the Monetary Authority's views and the market situation.
In the meantime it is studying a proposal to allow the carriage of driving licence particulars on the cards. The Transport Department is exploring the legal feasibility of the move with the Department of Justice and the legislative amendments required.
"The study does not involve additional administrative expense. As the scope and details of the legislative amendments involved are very extensive and complex, we do not have a timetable for the completion of the study at this stage."
Mr Ma said the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer is implementing a pilot infrastructural authentication service using the secure personal identification number embodied in smart identity cards and card face data for testing the authentication process of e-government services.