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October 1, 2007
Wong Yan Lung to visit Europe

Secretary for Justice Wong Yan Lung will depart Hong Kong October 1 for a five-day visit to London, Stockholm, Helsinki and Dublin.


In London he will brief Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor Jack Straw, and Hong Kong Association members on Hong Kong's latest developments.


He will also be called as a Master of the Bench of the Middle Temple, together with the former Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption and Solicitor General of the Department of Justice of Hong Kong, Bertrand de Speville.


Mr Wong will fly to Stockholm on October 3, where he will meet Swedish Minister of Justice Beatrice Ask. He will deliver a keynote speech at a reception for local Government officials and representatives from the business and legal fields.


Mr Wong will brief the Chairman and Members of the Arbitration Centre of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce on Hong Kong's credentials as a regional arbitration.


In Helsinki Mr Wong will sign an agreement between Hong Kong and Finland on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters. He will also pay a courtesy call on the Chinese Ambassador to Finland Ma Keqing.


On October 5 in Dublin Mr Wong will sign an agreement between Hong Kong and Ireland on the surrender of fugitive offenders. He will also meet with government officials, members of the business community, legal profession and academia.


He will return to Hong Kong the same evening.