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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 29, 2007
More staff deployed to ease border congestion
Immigration Department

The Immigration Department has deployed an additional 106 officers and suspended leave for checkpoint staff at Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau to ease congestion at control points during the National Day Golden Week holiday.


Speaking on a radio talk show today, Assistant Director of Immigration Chiu Wai-kai expects 9.8 million people to cross Hong Kong's land, sea and air checkpoints during the festive period, up 16.6% on last year.


He said the opening of new checkpoints at Shenzhen Bay and the Lok Ma Chau Spur Line have helped relieve congestion at Lo Wo control point.


He said about 44,000 passengers have been passing through Shenzhen Bay Port daily, which is still lower than the anticipated 50,000 to 60,000 passenger flow.


He urged tour operators to make use of these two control points to save waiting time and ease congestion at Lo Wu.


Staff shortage

Mr Chiu said the department has a manpower shortage with about 80 people resigning in the past few months. He hopes the problem can be eased when new recruits have been trained.


He said arrival clearance checks for all non-local women who are seven-months pregnant has helped reduce the number of expectant mothers entering Hong Kong.


Non-local pregnant women seeking last-minute hospital admission through accident and emergency departments dropped substantially to just three in September, down 90% on the same month last year.