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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 17, 2007

Henry Tang tours anti-crime camp

Henry Tang visits Junior Police Call summer camp
Good example: Chief Secretary for Administration Henry Tang chats with Junior Police Call advanced leaders while touring the Fight Crime Summer Camp.

Chief Secretary for Administration Henry Tang toured the Junior Police Call Fight Crime Summer Camp at Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village today, urging JPC members to help fight crime and to stay away from drugs.


He also joined Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee and Commissioner of Police Tang King-shing to officiate at an anti-crime ceremony.


About 130 youngsters were formally appointed as JPC advanced leaders. Mr Lee encouraged them to set a good example for their JPC brethren.


"Although the total number of drug abusers has been decreasing recently, the number of young abusers has risen. Therefore, one should be careful in making new friends and choosing activities so as not to fall into drug abuse traps," Mr Lee said.


"Abusing psychotropic substances or drugs not only will cause permanent harm to body and health, it will also ruin your future."


Mr Lee urged them to pursue a positive and healthy lifestyle.