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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 17, 2007
12 caught for selling pirated bicycles
Customs & Excise Department

Customs officers have arrested 12 people aged 31 to 60 for selling copyright-infringing foldable bicycles through shops and an online auction.


Officers raided eight shops in Mong Kok, Cheung Sha Wan, Tai Po, Ma On Shan and Fanling yesterday seizing 29 pirated foldable bicycles worth $66,700. Nine men and a woman were arrested. Nine are shop owners and one a shop attendant.


Officers also arrested two men in Mong Kok for selling the bicycles on a local auction website. A search of their homes in Mong Kok and Tuen Mun resulted in the seizure of a foldable bicycle and two sets of computers worth $14,300.


Shop owners should stay away from dubious sources when sourcing goods for their shops. If in doubt, shop owners should approach authorised dealers of the copyrighted goods.