Fire Services Department Senior Divisional Officer Tung Tung-san has been fined $600,000 by the District Court for misconduct over his involvement in the implementation of the department's third Generation Mobilising System.
Deputy Judge David Thomas said the offences committed by the 49-year-old were serious. He was the project manager for the system which was designed to optimise the deployment of fire engines and ambulances.
The project, worth more than $445 million, was awarded to Singapore Engineering Software (SES) in March 2001 by the former Government Supplies Department, now the Government Logistics Department.
To mark its launch, a public relations company - MediAdvertising (HK) Ltd (MAL) - was hired by SES to organise a contract-signing ceremony in a hotel, which cost over $487,000.
Between February 1 and March 27, 2001, the defendant failed to declare to his department and SES a conflict of interest as his sister was a 50% shareholder and director of MAL. The defendant also acted partially in favour of MAL, namely recommending MAL to be awarded the contract.
In May 2004, the defendant solicited and accepted from SES an internship for his daughter at its headquarters in Singapore, the remuneration package of which included allowance, two round-trip air tickets and accommodation.
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