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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
May 4, 2007


LegCo to discuss closed area order
Shenzhen Bay Bridge
New link: Shenzhen Bay Bridge is the fourth vehicular boundary crossing between Hong Kong and Shenzhen.

The closed area order and permission to enter notice relating to Shenzhen Bay Port Hong Kong Port Area will be tabled to lawmakers on May 9, the Security Bureau says.


The Closed Area (Hong Kong Section of the Shenzhen Bay Bridge and Deep Bay Link Portion) Order, made under the Public Order Ordinance, designates the Hong Kong section of the Shenzhen Bay Bridge leading to the Hong Kong Port Area and the Deep Bay Link portion in the vicinity as a closed area.


Effective management

The Hong Kong section of the Shenzhen Bay Bridge is outside the Hong Kong Port Area, but it is part of the bridge linking the port area with Hong Kong proper. Therefore, it is necessary to designate the Hong Kong section of the bridge and the Deep Bay Link portion as a closed area for the Shenzhen Bay Control Point's efficient and effective management, including the maintenance of public order and public safety. This practice is standard at all the other land boundary check points in Hong Kong.


The restriction will take effect on the day the Hong Kong Port Area commences operation. The restriction will be on a round-the-clock basis.


Permission to enter

After the designation of the closed area, the Commissioner of Police has, by way of the Shenzhen Bay Port Hong Kong Port Area (Permission to Enter) Notice made under the Public Order Ordinance, granted general permission to people entering or leaving Hong Kong through the new check point at the Hong Kong Port Area to enter or leave the closed area.


The order and the notice, gazetted today, will take effect when the Hong Kong Port Area comes into operation. Hong Kong and Shenzhen are working towards commissioning the Shenzhen Bay Port within this year.