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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
April 24, 2007
Hotel chef jailed for graft

A senior hotel chef has been jailed one year by Eastern Magistracy for accepting advantages in the form of free prostitution services, amounting to about $130,000, for writing favourable appraisal reports for his subordinate. The subordinate who offered the advantages to Hung has been jailed for five months.


Peninsula Hotel senior chef Hung Sau-chi, 58, was found guilty of one count of agent accepting an advantage. The co-defendant, the hotel's senior cook, Wong Chi-ho, 50, pleaded guilty to one count of offering the advantages to Hung.


Hung was a senior chef in charge of the staff restaurant of the Peninsula Hotel at the time of the offence.


Between January 1996 and May 2004, Wong had paid for prostitution services for Hung at about $300 a week, amounting to about $130,000 in total during the period.


Hung in return treated Wong favourably in preparing his appraisal reports and the staff roster. Hung would also not cause any trouble to Wong in relation to his duties.