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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 19, 2007

Fight crime


Revised HK-Australia pact enhances operation

Australia, HK sign protocol
Close ties: Consul-General of Australia Murray Cobban and Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee exchange documents after signing the protocol.

Hong Kong and Australia have signed a protocol revising the pact for the surrender of accused and convicted people between the two places to enhance its operation.


Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee and Consul-General of Australia Murray Cobban signed the protocol today.


The existing agreement came into force in June 1997. The protocol enhances the pact's operation by imposing a requirement on the requested party to give reasons for any refusal to a request for surrender, and reflecting the legal position in Australia by providing that Australia can process surrender requests from Hong Kong without the need for the requests to be accompanied by evidence.


Requests from Australia to Hong Kong will continue to be supported by prima facie evidence as required under the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance.


The existing Fugitive Offenders (Australia) Order made under the Fugitive Offenders Ordinance must be amended to implement the protocol. The protocol will enter into force 30 days after both sides have notified each other in writing that they have complied with their respective requirements.