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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
December 16, 2006

Road safety


Tougher laws to deter drink-driving


A three-month license suspension for drink-driving offenders should be a sufficient deterrent, Deputy Secretary for Environment, Transport & Works Annie Choi says.


Speaking on a radio talk show today, Miss Choi said the Government has seen similar provisions in Singapore, the US and Canada.


Hong Kong has about 1,300-1,500 drink-driving cases detected annually. Miss Choi said improvement courses for offenders will instil better driver behaviour.


The Environment, Transport & Works Bureau is drafting legal amendments, while consulting the public on the change. She said the bill could be tabled to the Legislative Council in the third quarter of next year, and passed in early 2008.


On the move to double jail terms to 10 years for dangerous driving causing death, Miss Choi said it was initiated in response to the popular outcry for a stronger deterrent.