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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
December 14, 2006


Drug abuser numbers down 9.5%
Commissioner for Narcotics Sally Wong
Campaign launch: Commissioner for Narcotics Sally Wong (second left) joins the Action Committee Against Narcotics in a new anti-drug drive.

The number of drug abusers fell to 10,779 in the first three quarters of the year, down 9.5% on the same period last year, the Narcotics Division says.


At a meeting of the Action Committee Against Narcotics today, the division said the number of drug abusers aged 21 and over fell 13%, while abusers under 21 rose 9.9%.


Heroin remained the most widely abused drug, but the number of users fell 19%, to 6,826. Ketamine is the most common type of psychotropic substance abused and the number of users rose 36%, to 2,263.


A significant increase was recorded for nimetazepam abusers, with the number rising from 157 to 330. The number of cocaine abusers also doubled.


New publicity drive

Commissioner for Narcotics Sally Wong said the division will launch a new anti-drug publicity drive. Two new television and radio announcements will be broadcast from December 15, highlighting the brain damage ketamine and ecstasy cause. The ads will be broadcast on buses, KCR trains and on the division's website. New posters and advertisements on buses will also be mounted.


In collaboration with Commercial Radio 1, the division will produce two radio programmes to enhance parents' drug knowledge. The first programme will be broadcast December 19 from 10.30pm to 11pm and will run every Tuesday for eight consecutive weeks.


The second programme will begin broadcasting February 17 and will air every Saturday morning for six consecutive weeks. The five-minute segment will be incorporated into a parent-education programme, broadcast from 8am to 9am.