An investigation has been launched on the reported leakage of personal data of people who made complaints against the Police on the Internet.
The Independent Police Complaints Council and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data are conducting the probe, and further access to the information on the two concerned websites has been cut.
The council says it attaches great importance to the security of personal data in respect of complaints made against the Police, which are submitted to it by the Complaints Against Police Office.
If the incident is found to be connected with any negligence on the part of any party, the council will take necessary action to rectify the problem.
Privacy concerns
Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data Roderick Woo said his office is looking into the report and will seek more information.
"I am very concerned about the matter because leakage of personal data relating to people who lodged formal complaints against police officers might cause serious unease or alarm to the people involved. Security control on electronic data requires special care to prevent unauthorised or accidental access to the personal data in the course of their storage or transmission," Mr Woo said.
According to the report, the database contained details of complaints against police officers including reference numbers, dates of complaints, identity card numbers, and the full names and addresses of complainants.