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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 22, 2005



Forensic experts share experiences in HK


More than 1,200 of the world's leading practitioners in forensic sciences and research are gathering in Hong Kong to attend the 17th Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences.


Opened at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre this morning, the meeting will close on Friday. This is the second time the triennial meeting has been staged in Asia since the association was established in 1957. The last meeting was held in France in 2002.


The IAFS is the only international association bringing together academics and practising professionals of various disciplines in forensic science, with the objective of developing the forensic sciences; assisting forensic scientists and others to exchange scientific and technical information; and organising meetings for experience sharing.


The main theme of the meeting is "Justice Through Science", which is also the title of the first plenary session.


Dr Henry Lee of the State of Connecticut Department of Public Safety will share his experiences from high-profile cases.


Click here for details of the plenary sessions.


China's forensic science added to agenda

To introduce the latest developments in forensic science and medicine in China, a special session entitled "Forensic Science in China" has been added to the scientific programme.


This year, more than 200 Mainland Chinese delegates are taking part in this important world meeting.


There will be 15 workshops encompassing topics of current interest and unique local skills, such as the examination of toxic Chinese medicines, forensic gemology and Chinese handwriting examination. Around 400 delegates have registered to participate.


An exhibition featuring the latest products and services in forensic science will also be staged alongside the meeting.