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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 25, 2005
German purchasing manager on bribery charges

The Independent Commission Against Corruption has charged a German automobile company's purchasing manager for alleged bribery in relation to purchase orders for manufacturing parts moulds.


Achim Friedrich Bauer, 42, formerly employed by Valeo Wischersysteme GmbH, has been released on ICAC bail, pending his appearance in Eastern Magistracy at 9.30am on Wednesday.


He will face one count of agent soliciting an advantage and two of agent accepting an advantage, contrary to the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance.


In August 2003, Bauer is said to have solicited an unspecified amount of money from a director-shareholder of a company in Hong Kong as a reward for placing VWG's purchase orders with the company.


In March and August last year, Bauer also allegedly accepted 900 euros and $958.65, and 8,800 euros from the company's director-shareholder for the same reason.