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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 9, 2005
Road safety

Pedestrian safety campaign launches


Hong Kong Police

A three-week city-wide campaign will be launched from July 10 to educate pedestrians, in particular the aged, about road safety.


During the first week, Police will distribute publicity leaflets at 87 locations, including traffic accident black spots, to enhance pedestrians' road safety awareness and appeal to the public to comply with traffic laws. Offenders will be given verbal warnings in the first week while stringent enforcement action will be taken in the following two weeks.


Common pedestrian offences include failing to comply with a light signal on a light signal crossing, crossing without using nearby footbridges or pedestrian subways, and climbing over/through kerbside fence or central reservation onto a carriageway.


A total of 35 pedestrians were killed in traffic accidents in the first half of this year, down 37.5% over a year earlier. Among the deceased, 66% aged 60 or above. About 29% of 7,223 traffic accidents involved pedestrians, causing injuries to 2,122 people.