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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 8, 2005
Fixed penalty tickets

$1,500 fine, year's probation for litterbug

Food & Environmental Hygiene Department

A 19-year-old man has been fined $1,500 for littering and  put under probation order for 12 months for obstructing a public officer in executing his duty and providing false information.  


The Kwun Tong Magistrates�� Court heard today the defendant  dropped a cigarette butt at 2 Pui Shing Road, Hang Hau, Tseung Kwan O on May 27. When a Food & Environmental Hygiene Department officer stopped him and asked for his personal particulars, the man claimed he had left his identity card at home and tried to run away.


The officer eventually subdued and arrested the man.


The Food & Environmental Hygiene Department appeals to members of the public to co-operate with its law-enforcement officers who are empowered to issue fixed penatly notices for public cleanliness violations.


These include dropping cigarette butts and other forms of litter, failing to pick up after your dog, spitting and posting bills.


Obstructing public officers in performing duties to avoid penalty can carry serious legal consequences, the department noted.