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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 7, 2005



Fight crime forum gets student support

Options in Life forum
Crime busters: Islands District Fight Crime Committee Chairman Lam Kit-sing (third from left) and guests open the Options in Life forum.

The Correctional Services Department's crime prevention and rehabilitation student forum has proved popular with more than 2,800 students from 113 schools taking part since December 2003.


Islands District Fight Crime Committee Chairman Lam Kit-sing said the Options in Life forum has offered opportunities for students to gain insight into crime's consequences, driving home the message that the "choice" is their own.


At the forum held at a Tung Chung school today, about 130 students from four Islands District schools listened to two rehabilitated young offenders who shared their experiences.


Mr Lam said this can help students make the right choice and prevent crime. The activity also gave them a better understanding on rehabilitation offenders' determination to turn over a new leaf, thus accepting them and supporting their reintegration into the community.