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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 25, 2005
Crime watch
Customs seizes $1.91m worth of cigarettes
Illict cigarettes:
Illicit haul: Customs officers seized 1.2 million dutiable cigarettes with an estimated value of $1.91 million and duty potential of $960,000.

Customs officers seized 1.2 million dutiable cigarettes with an estimated value of $1.91 million and duty potential of $960,000 at Lok Ma Chau Control Point yesterday.


Around 11.20pm on Friday, Customs officers stopped and searched an incoming lorry, which was declared to be loaded with jump ropes.


They uncovered the cargo compartment and found approximately 1.2 million unmanifested and dutiable cigarettes, of assorted brands. 


Special packaging with carton boxes and plastic wrappings concealed the smuggled cigarettes for the purpose of evading Customs' detection and action.


A 49-year-old man was arrested.


Anyone found importing unmanifested cargo will be charged under the Import & Export Ordinance with "Importing Unmanifested Cargo".


Upon conviction, the maximum penalty is a fine of $2 million and seven years' imprisonment. The smuggled goods and the vehicle involved are liable to forfeiture.