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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
May 13, 2005


Customs officer arrested for bribery dies

Police are investigating the death of a senior superintendent from the Customs & Excise Department. The ICAC had arrested Wong Shiu-ming, along with five other people, in connection with a bribery case. Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee and Customs & Excise Commissioner Timothy Tong were saddened by Mr Wong's sudden death.


Mr Wong and five others - including the chairman and an associate director of a private detective company, and a recording industry senior executive - were arrested on Tuesday after Independent Commission Against Corruption officers learned the senior superintendent allegedly accepted bribes from the private detective agency for offering confidential information, and referring business to them.


It is also alleged the officer accepted unauthorised loans from the recording industry executive, and used a false receipt to claim reimbursement of expenses under the Long & Meritorious Service Travel Award Scheme.


Mr Tong sent his condolence to Mr Wong's family and said he would render every assistance to them.


Speaking to the press this morning, Mr Lee said it was an unfortunate incident, adding Police investigations are underway.


Noting Hong Kong's civil servants have always been considered a clean and efficient team, the secretary stressed the Government has zero tolerance for any illegal or corrupt acts.