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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
April 19, 2005
Crime watch
Company fined for using pirated software
Customs & Excise Department

A shipping company in Sheung Wan has been fined $64,000 by the Eastern Magistracy for using pirated computer software in the course of business, the heaviest penalty handed down in corporate piracy cases.


Customs officers raided the company's office on February 19 last year and seized 21 computers installed with pirated computer software. The company yesterday pleading guilty to two counts of possession of pirated computer software and was given the hefty fine.


Possession of pirated computer software in the course of business is a criminal offence. Under the Copyright Ordinance, the maximum penalty for the offence is $50,000 per infringing copy and four years' jail.


Rewards offered for information

Customs officers have cracked 76 corporate piracy cases since the amended Copyright Ordinance came into effect on April 1, 2001. Of them, the courts have convicted 20.


Vigorous enforcement action against corporate piracy will continue and people are urged to report corporate piracy to the Customs 24-hour hotline, 2545 6182.


Under a reward scheme the Business Software Alliance finances and the Customs & Excise Department administer, anyone who offers information leading to a raid on a company and seizure of pirated software being used on at least five computers is eligible for a reward of $5,000.