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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 24, 2005

Road safety

Bicycle accidents rise 14.6%
Hong Kong Police

There were 1,914 bicyle accidents in 2004, up 14.6% over 2003, causing 2,007 casualties. Among them, 1,617 cyclists were injured while 10 died.


In view of rising bicycle accidents, Police will launch a territory-wide campaign to promote safe cycling from tomorrow to April 16.

In the first part of the campaign (March 25 to April 2), publicity leaflets will be distributed in areas frequented by cyclists including railway stations, shops using bicycles to deliver goods, cycling tracks and cycling accident black spots.

Offenders will be given verbal warnings during this period, while stringent enforcement actions will be taken during the second part of the campaign against those who fail to comply with traffic laws.


The campaign will also target motorists by reminding them to pay attention to cyclists on the road.


Common cycling offences
Common cycling offences include carrying another person, carrying any animal or article which obstructs the cyclist's view, riding a bicycle on the pavement and riding without necessary lights.


Once on the road, a cyclist is obliged to obey all traffic laws which apply to drivers and is subject to the Road Traffic Ordinance. Cyclists are also reminded to take care of other road users.