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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 11, 2005
9 illegal workers jailed
Immigration Department

A Mainland decoration company manager and eight staff have been jailed for working illegally in Hong Kong.


Huang Jiachang, 31, pleaded guilty in Sha Tin Magistracy today to nine counts of aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring the breach of condition of stay and one count of breach of condition of stay and was jailed for seven months.


The eight Mainland visitors, aged 28 to 41, each admitted one count of breach of condition of stay and were each jailed for two months.


Huang's company contracted a decoration project at the Convention & Exhibition Centre. He brought the other eight defendants to Hong Kong to partake in the woodworks and electrical works.


The Immigration Department raided the centre on Wednesday, arresting 10 Mainlanders and one suspected local employer.