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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 4, 2005

Forged ID appeal rejected

Immigration Department

A Mainlander's appeal to have his 12-month jail sentence reduced for possession of a forged identity card has been rejected by the Court of Appeal.


Li Chang-li, 35, was given the sentence last July. The defendant admitted that a middleman on the Mainland offered to arrange a Hong Kong ID card for $500 to help him find work.


The Court of Appeal said today that to combat illegal workers and safeguard job opportunities for locals, it would deal with forged ID card cases more harshly.


For the possession of forged ID cards or ID cards belonging to others, sentencing should in general be set at 12 months jail, even if the offender was staying in Hong Kong legally, so the punishment can act as a deterrent.


If an offender produces a forged card or one belonging to another person to work illegally or extend their stay, the tariff should be set at 15 months jail.