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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
January 15, 2005

Continuing education

Police enhance service quality via training
Spencer Foo
Enhanced training: Police Director of Personnel & Training Spencer Foo says the Force must enhance its quality of service by raising the professional knowledge and policing skills of officers through training and continuing education.

To meet the community's rising expectations, the Force has to enhance its quality of service by raising the professional knowledge and policing skills of officers through training and continuing education, Police's Director of Personnel & Training Spencer Foo says.


Speaking at a passing-out parade at the Police Training School today, Mr Foo pointed out that to ensure operational and training requirements are met, the Force conducts regular reviews of its training syllabus, mode of delivery and training facilities and support for necessary improvements.


"In the face of financial constraints, the Force, as with all government departments, has had cut spending in recent years. However, the Force has not cut back on its training budget and on the contrary, has in fact increased the budget for continuing education and development of officers.


"This shows the commitment of and importance attached by the Force to training to ensure its officers are kept abreast of the advancement of the society to better meet the needs of the community," he said.


Mr Foo encouraged the 74 graduating police constables to set themselves the goals of devotion to duty, giving their best at all times and executing their duties without fear or favour.


"One of the key factors contributing to Hong Kong's prosperity and stability is the maintenance of good law and order, and the Force plays a very important role in this respect."


The Police will continue to take robust action against crime and maintain law and order, he added.