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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
December 17, 2004
Woman sentenced for CSSA fraud
Social Welfare Department

A woman has been sentenced to 24 months' probation for forging a medical certificate to help a Comprehensive Social Security Allowance applicant avoid his requirement to perform community work under the Support for Self-reliance Scheme.


The man had previously been sentenced to a term in a drug addiction treatment centre.


The Social Welfare Department said the man in this case had applied for CSSA on the grounds that he was unemployed.


All able-bodied unemployed CSSA adults are required to join the Support for Self-reliance Scheme in order to be eligible for financial assistance.


Under the scheme, the clients must participate in activities such as community work arranged by the department and meetings with the department's Active Employment Coordinator to report on their job-seeking efforts.


The department reminded CSSA applicants not to try to defy the law, adding it would not tolerate applicants intentionally making false statements or using any form of deception to evade their responsibility to participate in the scheme.


Those who purposely aid or abet others to obtain CSSA payments by deception are liable to a criminal charge.


The department will continue to work closely with the Police to deter CSSA abusers.