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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
November 21, 2004

Customer service

Courtesy drive for Immigration officers
courtesy campaign
Courtesy drive: Travellers can vote for counter officers performing commendable immigration clearance service at eight immigration control points from November 22 to 28.

A courtesy campaign will be conducted at eight immigration control points from November 22 to 28. Travellers can vote for counter officers performing commendable immigration clearance service.


The campaign aims to remind staff to deliver a courteous and efficient service to the public. It also helps promote Hong Kong tourism.


To vote, travellers should fill in their names and travel document or HK identity card numbers on the ballot forms bearing the officer's name. Completed forms should be put into ballot boxes placed behind the immigration counters.


The Immigration Control Officer who gets the highest number of votes will become the Tourism Board's Courtesy Ambassador.


For enquiries call 2824 6111, fax 2877 7711 or visit the department's website.