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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 20, 2004
Pornographic disc syndicate shut down
Hong Kong Police

Police have shutdown a pornographic disc manufacturing centre in Mong Kok, seizing over 190,000 discs worth $4.5 million.


At about 4pm yesterday, Police and Television & Entertainment Licensing Authority officers raided shopping arcades on Nathan Road, Argyle Street, Shantung Street and Fa Yuen Street. They seized 25,000 VCDs and 53,000 DVDs. Nine men aged 28 to 61 were arrested.


Police then raided a Fa Yuen Street flat identified as a manufacturing and storage centre at about 10pm, and arrested two men aged 36 and 53 after they found 70,000 DVDs on the premises. Six computers and some packing paraphernalia were also seized.


Officers seized another 40,000 discs raiding a Shantung Street shopping centre today.


The 11 men are being detained for enquiries.