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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
June 30, 2004
Maritime security stepped up
Marine Department

New maritime rules will be implemented July 1, bringing a new era of security to ships and ports, the Marine Department says.


Security plans for all 31 port facilities in Hong Kong and 739 ships engaged in international voyages under the HK Register have been approved for implementation of the International Ship & Port Facility Security Code.


The facilities include container terminals, oil depots, power stations, cruise and ferry terminals and the buoys and anchorages which constitute a single port facility.


Among the 742 ships under the code, 739 have their security plans approved, which means virtually 100% compliance. About 80% of the vessels have already obtained their International Ship Security Certificates.


In implementing the code, a ship calling a port facility in Hong Kong or intending to transit Hong Kong waters should provide additional security related information when tendering the Pre-arrival Notification to the department.


If there are clear grounds a ship is not in compliance with the code, it may be subject to detailed inspection or detention. Ships deemed to pose a security threat may be directed to an outer anchorage for inspection by Police.


Access control measures, like advance notification, verification of identification documents, inspection of baggage, personal screening/searching and escort by security personnel, may be imposed on visitors.


For more information, visit the department's website.