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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
May 13, 2004


Police signs to aid hikers
police signages
Clear direction: Police put up information signs at some country parks and remote areas to boost emergency response.

Police have erected information signs at some country parks and remote areas to help emergency services identify caller locations.


The bilingual signs, a joint venture with departments including Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation, include phone numbers of nearby Police stations and the sign's serial number.


Under the trial scheme, about 30 signs have been put up at shelters, and barbecue and picnic sites at Kam Shan Country Park, and at roadsides at Eagle's Nest Nature Trail, Lung Yan Road, Cheung Yuen Road and Cheung Hang Road.


Emergency services will be able to react quickly when callers identify the sign's serial number.


The scheme will be reviewed later and may be extended to other suitable areas.