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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
April 24, 2004

Crime watch

Overall crime figures down 9% in Q1

The overall law and order situation was well contained in the first quarter, Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee says, adding that Hong Kong is still a safe city.


Speaking to the media after a Fight Crime Committee meeting, Mr Lee said, on the whole, the crime rate dropped in the first quarter compared with the same period last year.


The overall crime rate dropped 9.1%, while the number of violent crimes committed fell by almost 13%. Among them, the number of robbery cases decreased substantially, he added.


Of course, he said, there are increases in certain crimes. The number of homicides rose from 13 to 16 while the number of rape cases increased from 15 to 26.


"For any increase, even for one single case in violent crime, we are concerned. But we have to look at whether this is a sort of consistent increase, whether it has developed into a trend, or whether it is a sort of seasonal fluctuation."


Police crack down on drugs

Mr Lee said police have stepped up their efforts in combatting the use of drugs, especially among young people.


Police conducted a number of large-scale operations in the first quarter leading to more drug seizures, especially ketamine, he added.