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April 23, 2004

Crime watch

Police net 292 in Kowloon West crackdown
Hong Kong Police

Police have arrested a total of 292 people, including 67 men and 225 women, in an anti-vice operation in Kowloon West.


They also seized about 40,000 cigarettes with an estimated value of about $64,000, more than 1,300 VCDs/DVDs worth about $17,400, gambling paraphernalia and $150,000 in cash.


The operation, which started at midnight, aimed to curb triad revenue-generating activities in the region. Police raided 100 locations, including residential and entertainment premises.


Those arrested include 79 local Chinese, 204 Mainlanders, five Vietnamese, one Thai, one Pakistani and two illegal immigrants.


Aged between 16 and 81, they were arrested for offences including possession of dutiable goods, managing a gambling establishment, managing a vice establishment, possession of obscene articles, and breaching conditions of stay.