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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
March 19, 2004


Civil justice reform set for 2006-07

Chief Justice Andrew Li has accepted the recommendations made by the Working Party on Civil Justice Reform in its Final Report.


Mr Li has asked Chief Judge of the High Court Justice Ma to take overall charge of the implementation of the recommendations. The Steering Committee on Civil Justice Reform will be established under his chairmanship and deal with all aspects of implementing the recommendations which are within the Judiciary's responsibility.


As the majority of the recommendations will require amendments to the Rules of the High Court, the committee will put forward concrete proposals in this regard to the High Court Rules Committee for consideration. Mr Li expects it to take two to three years to implement the recommendations.


"The Judiciary will proceed with the work as expeditiously as possible. We will certainly keep up the momentum for reform," he said. "But we will need to be realistic. Substantial changes to the civil justice system are involved and it is important to get it right."


He said the implementation requires support and assistance from the Government and expressed his confidence the help will be forthcoming.