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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
October 29, 2003
Civil jurisdiction limit to rise to $1m in December

The Legislative Council has passed a resolution to raise the District Court's civil jurisdiction limit from $600,000 to $1 million from December 1.


The Constitutional Affairs Bureau said the increase will allow more litigations to be heard in the District Court, reducing costs for the parties involved and enhancing public access to justice.


Although more cases will be heard in the District Court, the Judiciary will be able to cope with the increased caseload through better case management and redeployment of resources.


The previous civil jurisdictional limit rise to $600,000 was in September 2000. On completion of a review early this year, the Judiciary recommended the limit be increased further to $1 million.


The new jurisdictional limits of the District Court will cover:

* general jurisdiction in actions of contract, quasi-contract and tort;

* money recoverable by enactment;

* equity jurisdiction; and,

* jurisdiction to grant injunctions and to make declarations.