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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 2, 2010


Building sales rise 13.8%
Land Registry

The number of sale and purchase agreements for all building units received for registration in August was 16,946, up 13.8% on July and 27.9% on August last year.


The 12-month moving average for August was 13,079 - 2.4% above the 12-month moving average for July and 44.3% above that for the same month last year.


The total consideration of sale and purchase agreements was $80.2 billion, 32.8% higher than July and 50.9% year on year.


Among the sale and purchase agreements, 14,699 were for residential units, up 13.4% on the previous month, and 30.7% on the same period last year.


The total consideration for sale and purchase agreements in respect of residential units was $69.2 billion, 32.7% more than July and 68.9% more than August 2009.


The number of searches of land registers made by the public in August was 541,022.