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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
February 6, 2009

Road safety

Tougher drink-driving laws mooted

Secretary for Housing & Transport Eva Cheng says the Government is considering imposing heavier punishments according to the level of alcohol found in a drunk driver's blood, and introducing the new offence of "dangerous driving causing serious bodily harm".


Speaking after meeting transport sector representatives today, Ms Cheng said the Government will also study the possibility of introducing aggravating factors in the law. A public consultation will be launched when the Government forms concrete proposals.


She said the revised road traffic legislation with enhanced penalties for drink driving will take effect February 9, and Police will implement random breath tests.


Drink-drivers are liable to three years' jail, a $25,000 fine, 10 driving-offence points, and can be disqualified from driving. They will be required to attend a driving improvement course.


"On the introduction of random breath tests, all the stakeholders agreed this is going to have a very effective deterrent effect on drivers. So we would need to monitor the progress seriously."


In response to public demand for tougher sentencing for offenders convicted of dangerous driving, the Department of Justice will hand most cases involving dangerous driving causing death to the District Court while more serious cases will be handled by the Court of First Instance.