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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
November 26, 2008

Driving summons upgrade endorsed

Transport Advisory Committee

The Transport Advisory Committee has endorsed legislative proposals to improve the mechanism for the service of summonses under the driving-offence points system.


Drivers can no longer circumvent the system by avoiding receiving summonses, and hence evade the disqualification order by not appearing in court.


Transport Advisory Committee Chairman Teresa Cheng said it is unacceptable for repeat offenders who should have been disqualified from driving to keep their licences.


The committee welcomed the Government's proposal to improve the mechanism for the service of summonses under the system, the crux of the existing problem. If a driver fails to appear in court at the date and time required, the magistrate can issue an arrest warrant.


In addition, the Commissioner for Transport will be empowered not to issue or renew a licence to a driver who fails to appear in court.


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