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October 12, 2008
Sustainable development
Exhibit promotes HK's role in Shanghai expo
CS tours expo exhibit
City spotlight: Chief Secretary Henry Tang addresses the media in the former Police compound courtyard, as the expo's official mascot looks on. He tours the Hong Kong exhibit inside the historic building and admires a model of the upcoming Shanghai expo's China Pavilion.


Chief Secretary Henry Tang encourages people to visit an exhibit at the former Central Police Station compound that showcases Hong Kong's participation in the World Exposition 2010 Shanghai China, including the themes of its pavilion and Urban Best Practices Area exhibit.


At the exhibit's opening this afternoon, Mr Tang said the Shanghai expo, which will run from May to October in 2010, will again thrust China into the world spotlight following the 2008 Beijing Olympics.


Noting preparations for both the Hong Kong Pavilion and its Urban Best Practices Area exhibit are progressing well, he said Hong Kong will use the Shanghai expo as a platform to showcase our city's attractions, quality of life and creative industries.