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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
October 9, 2008


Power supply regulations to be updated
Electrical & Mechanical Services Department

The Electrical & Mechanical Services Department proposes updating the Electricity Supply Regulations to the latest international standards to ensure safe and reliable power provision.


The amendments cover seven areas including electricity supply specifications, safety requirements for electrical equipment, metering requirements, and offences and penalties.


New provisions specifying the electricity supply system will be added to match international standards, while provisions will be updated to enhance safety requirements for design, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of electrical equipment.


The department will also add provisions requiring electricity suppliers to conduct regular inspection and maintenance of electricity supply systems, and specifying electricity meter design, construction and use for accurate recording.


New penalties on offences relating to safety and energy supply will be specified in the regulation - $10,000 for minor offences or $100,000 for major ones.


The proposed amendments will be supplemented by a code of practice providing guidelines on how the statutory requirements can be met.


For consultation paper details, click here. Views can be sent to the Electricity Legislation Division, Electrical & Mechanical Services Department, 3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon; faxed to 2895 4929; or emailed to