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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
September 5, 2008
GD-HK funding scheme invites applications
Innovation & Technology Commission

The 2008 Guangdong-Hong Kong Technology Co-operation Funding Scheme is inviting applications for funding support for research and development projects.


There are three categories of projects in the scheme. The first category will be funded by Hong Kong's Innovation & Technology Fund, the second by the Guangdong provincial government. The two governments will jointly support the third category.


Under the first category, Hong Kong institutions should be principal applicants of the projects and Guangdong institutions are encouraged to participate. Applications should be submitted by institutions established in Hong Kong to the respective Research & Development Centres or the Innovation & Technology Commission. 


For projects under the second category, Guangdong institutions should be principal applicants but Hong Kong institutions are encouraged to participate. Applications should be made by Guangdong institutions and submitted directly to the Guangdong provincial government.


For those under the third category, an application of the same project should be submitted simultaneously by the participating organisations to the respective authority in Hong Kong and Guangdong.


The deadline for applications is October 15. For more details, click here or call 2737 2433 or 2736 0055. Enquiries can be faxed to 2957 8726, or emailed to