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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
August 17, 2008
July airport passenger volume up 1.3%
airport authority

July saw a 1.3% year-on-year rise in Hong Kong International Airport's passenger volume, to 4.5 million, the Airport Authority says.


The small growth in passenger volume was attributable to the rise in transfer traffic related to North American and Australasian destinations.


Cargo throughput grew 0.7% to 317,000 tonnes, and air-traffic movements rose 2.1% to 25,895. While transshipments raised the cargo throughput, both cargo imports and exports recorded falls.


"Airports and airlines worldwide are feeling the effects of surging fuel prices and economic uncertainties, conditions we expect will likely continue. Airlines have started to reduce flight frequencies to contain losses," the authority's Chief Executive Officer Stanley Hui said.


"As a result, we anticipate a more difficult operating environment and slower growth for all categories of air traffic for the remainder of the year."


For the 12 months ended in July, passenger and cargo throughput reached 49.5 million and 3.9 million tonnes, up 7.3% and 6.5% on a year earlier. Air traffic movements also grew 5%, to 302,510.